Monday, May 01, 2006

Bloody Hell

I don't know what is worse... my bloody right knee or my throbbing left foot!

Note to self, never go up stairs in the dark when you have 5 kids who randomly leave toys laying around. Video game controllers aren't very much fun to slide on as you go up the 2nd round of stairs.

I feel heat in my foot, and 2 of my toes feel sort of numb... I think I will live though.


Unknown said...

Oh man! Tell all the Js they need to be careful, so Mama doesn't break her foot/knee/leg/head!

Cricket said...

If I had insurance I would go get it checked out.. but I don't.... so I won't LOL

I will just hobble around on my multicolored, swollen foot! YOUCH

Hope your's heals quickly!