Tuesday, November 07, 2006

About the Recipes...

as for the dinner one last night... it was *ok*... I don't think I would make it again.
The dessert however was VERY good! I served it warm over fresh Angel food cake and it was sooooooo good!

I don't know what I am fixing today.... I have no motivation! It might just end up being frozen pizza! Or maybe Tuna Helper.... or TV dinners... it is grey and dreary out, I am still tired and run down feeling... I have a bunch of laundry to do, especially since the toilet overflowed in the downstairs bathroom twice now ( last night and this morning... Thank you Justin!) so every towel that was down there is now soaking wet and in need of washing. And for a bit of drama? it all needs to be washed while we still have a washer and dryer! The ones we have now are rentals and we are late for the payment ( getting caught up on other bills) and they keep calling wanting the money... like yesterday... and we wont have the money till Thursday evening... and I don't think they will wait that long! So I guess I better get off of here and get all that laundry washed and the diapers washed... I sure wish we had a laundromat here in town!


Unknown said...

I have no idea what Ernie and Gaby will be eating for dinner tonight. Or tomorrrow night, actually. Hopefully Ernie will be able to figure it out.

Cheryl said...

I have Bunko, so the boys are on their own. Maybe Mike will take them to Chic Fil A for spirit night tonight.